


Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine whether you have any medical, health, or physical conditions that may limit or restrict how much or what type of exercise you do as a part of a strategically designed exercise training program catered to your unique needs and personal goals. Your safety is a high priority and it is my hope to proactively minimize any possibility of risk when exercising. Please make sure to have the names of any prescription medications you may currently take nearby because one of the survey questions requests this information. Completion of this survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes. I will contact you within 48-hours of survey completion to discuss scheduling a consultation.
Go here to access the questionnaire:
Congratulations on taking an important step in reclaiming your fitness!

Fitness Consultation – A fitness consultation is mandatory because it lays the foundation of your fitness program. We will discuss in-depth your health background, general lifestyle, and fitness goals. Consultations also serve as your opportunity to interview me to determine if I am the best personal trainer to work with you to achieve your fitness goals. Consultations last between 30 to 60 minutes and take place in-person (teleconference, if needed) with the option of a pre-consultation online Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ). Completion of the questionnaire prior to the consultation allows for greater in-depth conversation about your goals and we can begin devising your road map to success! On occasion, I may require you to obtain a medical waiver from a medical doctor prior to beginning personal training sessions.

General Consultations – These are available to anyone who would like to “pick the brain” of a fitness and wellness professional. They can take place in person, phone, or video conference. Select the amount of time you anticipate needing. If you end up needing additional time, you are more than welcome to schedule a follow-up consultation with us!  Please come to your consultation with questions ready. We encourage you to email ( your questions in advance.

Body Measurements and Fitness Assessments –  Similar to the consultation, measurements and assessments are essential to a well-designed fitness program. They provide an objective way to measure and assess your body and current level of physical fitness. Measurements can include body weight, body fat percentage, circumference measurements, and resting heart rate. Assessments can include three minute step test (i.e., cardiorespiratory), static body posture, dynamic movement (e.g., single leg and overhead squats), agility, and strength. All measurements and fitness assessments include a comprehensive review of results (e.g., juxtapose your numbers with larger population “norms,” overactive/underactive muscles, and basic exercise and stretching recommendations).




Personal Training – These sessions incorporate strategically designed fitness programs focused upon injury prevention, proper movement patterns, and your fitness goals. Sessions progressively develop your flexibility, stability, strength, cardiovascular, speed, agility, and power. Training sessions are designed to be fun, safe, and challenging. Nutritional strategies, suggested behavior modifications, and continuous accountability are included. My goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Partner Training – Have someone to train with? Want to cut training costs? Reap the benefits of one-on-one personal training with a partner and boost your accountability! These sessions are optimal for individuals with similar fitness abilities, goals, and availability for training. 

On Your Own Training – Busy schedule? No longer consider yourself a novice at the gym? Need to change up your workout? Want to save a few dollars? Need an extra push to stay motivated? This may be perfect for you! I use information gathered from your Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, consultation, and fitness assessments to design a 4-week fitness program for you. You receive (a) one in-person training session to review proper exercise form, (b) access to an online fitness training program to keep you accountable and receive coaching notes from me.

Exercise Check-UpsThis option is perfect for you if you’re using one of those free fitness apps and unsure if you’re performing the exercise(s) correctly. Send me a video of you performing an exercise and receive immediate feedback about your exercise form. Be safe and not sorry! Slower is faster in the beginning of any exercise program. Take the time to perfect movements and minimize risk for injury. Includes check-ups for 3 separate exercises.

Online Fitness & Nutrition Training/Coaching– Reap the benefits of one-on-one training, but online! This is a very affordable way to have access to a certified personal trainer. You complete a PAR-Q and consultation. You receive an online training program. Access and track your workouts via a mobile app! Plus, sync your favorite nutrition and fitness apps! 

Small Group Training –  Amp up your accountability and reach your fitness goals faster than working out on your own! This is a cost-effective way to receive individual training while working out with friends, colleagues, and new workout buddies in a supportive, challenging, and fun environment. A certified personal trainer leads 3 to 6 people (with similar fitness goals) in a workout that maximizes individual results.

Group Fitness Class – Cut training costs even more! Get fit with friends and have fun while doing it! There is a lot truth about the momentum, energy, and accountability that inherently exists when we exercise with a group on a consistent basis. Group fitness classes are available upon request for people committed to regular sessions. Classes take place at a local fitness facility or your preferred location (pre-approved by C.E.b. Fitness & Wellness, LLC). 

Healthy Habits & Accountability Coaching – This is ideal for folks who feel like they need to Regroup, Refocus, and Restart! We will strategize and put the puzzle pieces of fitness and wellness together! Leave the session with a concrete plan of action! These sessions apply concepts within the transtheoretical model of behavior change (Prochaska and DiClemente, 1983). Sample topics include: exercise tempo/reps/intensity, nutrition, rest/recovery, hydration, prioritizing your wellness, fitness program design, healthy eating habits, grocery shopping, and meal planning. Most importantly, we will identify what YOU NEED and move forward with a gameplan to make it happen!

Follow-up information, helpful tools, and resources are shared after our initial session (and between sessions). I will regularly follow up with you weekly (or more) to see how you have progressed with your goals on your own! 

Food Log Review and Feedback – Receive feedback from a Fitness Nutrition Specialist about your daily eating! This is ideal for anyone looking to “clean up” their daily nutrition. We will use the MyFitnessPal as a food tracking platform accessible via the mobile phone application and desktop computer website, Includes: Instructions about how to set up MyFitnessPal on your mobile phone and/or desktop. General feedback about your daily eating habits either for a week, one month, or three months. For additional feedback about specific caloric needs based on your body type and nutrition goals, daily micro and macro nutrient intake, and other specific dietary preferences, restrictions, and limitations, I highly encourage you to collaborate with a Registered Dietitian. I would be happy to refer you!


Corporate Wellness – Create or improve your organization’s wellness program. Potential services include group fitness classes, outdoor activities, lunch and learn workshops, active stretching breaks, periodic fitness assessments, and personal training.

Your Organization Must Have: 
*On-site facility to accommodate 1-on-1 and small group fitness training.
*On-site showering options for employees.
*Unconditional support of your employee’s health and wellness.

Professional Conferences – Integrate wellness into your conference agenda! Potential services include group fitness classes, outdoor activities, lunch and learn workshops, active stretching breaks, fitness assessments, and personal training.

Your Conference Site(s) Must Have: 
*On-site facility to accommodate 1-on-1 and small group fitness training.
*On-site showering options for attendees or flexibility in schedule for attendees to shower.
*Unconditional support of conferee’s health and wellness.

Seminars & Workshops – Small and large group interactive sessions are excellent ways to learn more about a variety of fitness topics and engage in meaningful dialogue with other individuals committed to being healthy, fit, motivated, and inspired. As a trained facilitator and educator at heart, I design seminars and workshops unique to your group’s individual interests and needs. In addition to the seminar or workshop presentation and interactive discussion, I also provide tangible tools to integrate into your daily life. Knowledge is critical, but we must also devise a plan about what to do with that knowledge!

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